
A customized fork from Zalando's awesome Zally. It enforces some automatically checkable rules from SBB's API Principles.

View the Project on GitHub SchweizerischeBundesbahnen/zally

Zally Command Line Interface

This is Zally’s cli tool: it reads a swagger file locally and lints it by requesting violations check at a given Zally server.


  1. Follow Go installation instructions

  2. Make sure that $GOPATH variable is set (and $GOROOT if necessary)

  3. Clone the repository:

     git clone
  4. Run tests:

     cd zally
     GO111MODULE=on ./

    On windows with Cmder:

     cd zally
     GO111MODULE=on sh ./
  5. Build the binary:

     go build

Release it

  1. Install goreleaser tool:

     go get -v

    Alternatively you can download a latest release from goreleaser Releases Page

  2. Clean up folder cli/zally/dist if exists

  3. Make sure that the repository state is clean:

     git status
  4. Tag the release:

     git tag v1.1.0
  5. Run goreleaser:

     cd cli/zally
     goreleaser release --skip-publish
  6. Check builds inside cli/zally/dist directory.

  7. Publish release tag to GitHub:

     git push origin v1.1.0